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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Little Things Learned

A year ago today, I underwent brain surgery and was diagnosed with a rare cancer. It's an odd blessing, a brain tumor. Here's some of the year's revelations and lessons.

People will surprise you. You'll never know how caring or how inconsiderate some can be until you are sick. I promise you'll cry tears of joy and sorrow.

Miracles still happen. Too many to count. Here is the top two. A tumor they said was too close to the carotid artery to resect is a 100% gone. Our financial needs were met miraculously. Praise God.

God will send you. Sometimes, where you don't want to go. I would never have went to Boston except for this tumor. There were people who were saved and lives changed because of it. I'm still humbled by that.

Make God sized Goals. The Broken Vessel has had 10,000 or so page views in the past 12 months.  My testimony of Christ has been shared in 25 nations so far. Speaking has been the icing on the cake. God makes BIG deals out of simple obedience.

Expect God sized test if you make God sized goals. Expect Satan to show up. Praise God for every obstacle he brings. Read Romans 8:28 for why.

Pray Big Prayers. The way God may answer them might be overwhelming. It might scare you half to death. But it will be worth it.

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