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Friday, December 17, 2010

Are You Ready For Christmas?

Here we are again, in that same old familiar place. For the two thousand  sixteenth time. Right smack dab in the middle of Christmas. Ask ten people what they think about Christmas and you will get ten different ideas. Some will tell you how it's origins are from pagan holidays and why Christians should not observe it. Since the bible does not specifically teach us to celebrate Jesus's birth, they don't celebrate it. Others, will tell you, how it once was special but now it has been commercialized. Some despise it. Some hold it sacred and love it. Some don't know what they believe. Some say "I'll be glad when it is over".
 People will rush themselves, push
themselves, and wear themselves out. For all that Christmas is or isn't , was or wasn't, will or will not be, it is completely left up to the individual. The reason  is simple. Christmas, like many if not all spiritual celebrations, is a choice.
Choose Christmas to be a for Christ. God often changes man's intentions for His purposes.  Just as He changed the shameful design of man's cross from the cruelest of deaths to the ultimate symbol of  hope, and eternal life perhaps, He also changed the pagan holidays into Christmas and Easter.  Just as when He saved us, He changed you and I into a better reflection of Himself.  No matter the historical origin of the holiday, choose to celebrate the birth of your Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Although the bible does not require we celebrate Christ's birth it also does not forbid the practice. Jesus birth is recorded in the bible because it's important. If it was not meant for us to remember, would it have found it's way into the bible? The account of Christ birth does two incredible things at the same time.  It announces the arrival of a supernatural savior while documenting He was a man. The great creator sent angels from heaven to announce His birth, singing GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST! ON EARTH PEACE GOODWILL TO MEN, and we wonder should we celebrate?
 I find biblical peace with celebrating Christmas in Romans here for scripture  Celebrate it for replacing that old pagan holiday. Remember, Christmas is when the God of the universe, in His infinite wisdom, carried out the first phase of the largest rescue mission the world will ever see. Celebrate, the time our God came to ransom our souls. We have been bought by blood, heaven's joy, and pure love. He remembered his promises of old, and kept them. He always keeps his promises, celebrate. Rejoice, because for us, He left His throne in glory, for the womb of peasant girl, named Mary. Nine months before he lied between hay in  the manger, he had sat between the cherubs on the mercy seat. He traded being wrapped in light and rainbows for flesh and swaddling cloth. Christmas, is when our God, who carried all of us, decided to be carried by one of  us. Christmas was when Jehovah Jireh, the god who provides, took provisions from a man named Joseph. Christmas, you were just an ordinary night, until an extraordinary God made you shine forever with the light of Jesus. I can and will celebrate Christmas to the glory of God.
Are you ready for Christmas? In the south, it is a common question this time of year. The most common answer is "no." Another common answer is "about as ready as I am gonna be". Every once in a while, you will get a "yes" with a smile. We should always be ready for Christmas. We should be constantly, celebrating His coming into the world to save it. The real question is are you ready for Christ? Christmas, is a celebration of the beginning of forever. There is no resurrection without death, no death without a birth.  It is important to remember, that Jesus is no longer in the manger. Although many would have liked Him to remain there helplessly, the manger is empty. Bethlehem's star is no longer in the sky, but it still points the way to a brighter light. If you follow, it will lead you to a barren cross and empty tomb      vacated by a creator. If you follow Him, you, like the wise men, will take a different path. Jesus now sits at the right hand of the Father, with all authority, pleading our case,  listening for His command to return. Then once again, He will fulfill God's promises. He will begin the final phase of the rescue mission. He will extract the troops then move to shock and awe.  Are you ready for Christmas? Will welcome his coming like the shepherds did over two millennia ago?  Are you one of the wise men who will risk it all to worship Him. He is ready to be with you. I am now standing at the door and am knocking. If any one listens to My voice and opens the door, I will go in to be with him and will feast with him, and he shall feast with Me. Revelation 3.20 

The truth is that first Christmas was the start of a celebration that never ended. Most people don't understand this because they think the Christmas story begins in second chapter of Luke or Matthew when it really begins in John chapter 1. Missions always have a plan and the manger was always in the shadow of the cross. The only question is what part will you play in the Christmas story?
Let every heart prepare Him room as we come to adore Him!
May love and joy come to you,
Merry Christmas,

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Cost of Being Ungrateful

There is no greater virtue than thankfulness. Nothing even comes close. Without it, we can not truly appreciate any of the others. Perhaps, it is even impossible to have a virtue without being thankful. Still, talking to the average person will probably not leave you with feelings of gratitude. Everyone knows this. It is not new. We talk about being thankful, but are we listening to ourselves?
Humans have been programmed to complain. From the cradle, we cried and our mothers responded. We have been told " the squeaky wheel gets the grease", and we act accordingly. No one would argue the concept can be a useful one. However, if you are constantly making request, then you are not taking time to be thankful.  Jesus teaches in  Matthew 13:12" Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him." We must be good stewards with what He has given us. In short, we must be thankful for what we have before we can expect  him to entrust us with more.
News flash, everyone has problems. Some people face enormous opposition each day. Some have it easier than others. Don't kid yourself, life happens. It happens to us all. Sometimes, it hurts, both inside and out. You can choose to go down to the hundred acre wood and  say "woe is me" to Eeyore. Eeyore, will then tell you how bad his life is. Soon you will be wallowing in self pity. There is no thanksgiving in self pity. There is no virtue in self pity. There is no hope in self pity. We, since we are in the hundred acre wood, should take life lessons from Winnie-the-Pooh. Pooh, is always making the most of every situation. He is never ungrateful for his circumstances.  Back in the real world, staying positive can be difficult. Then again, everything worth while is. Without thankfulness, we are not just lost, we are doomed.
The choice is yours but it is not optional. God, in his great love and perfect wisdom, has allowed us to choose for ourselves many things. Even harmful, and sinful things. He has done this,only so that we may make a choice to surrender our lives to him. If God, had not given us this choice, he would have forced himself upon us and love would not exist. I challenge anyone to love without being thankful. It cannot be done.  Since love is not an option for believers, I submit neither is thankfulness. We are required to love one another ,as Jesus first loved us. Likewise, we are required to be thankful." Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1st Thessalonians 5:18 .
The bottom line. No one can afford to be ungrateful. This attitude will steal our joy and happiness. This can hit us in the wallet or in the heart. You cannot be all  that you can be while griping. You just will not preform as well as you could. That will cost you that raise or that contract you need. If you aren't thankful for you family, you will not spend time with them. If you don't spend time with them, you could cost yourself a relationship. If that relationship happens to be your marriage, it could cost you emotionally and financially. For the non-believer, it can cost him salvation. For the believer, it may stunt his growth in Christ. But what if you just don't feel thankful.
Our only hope.    Remember those choices God gave us? Virtues are not emotions or feelings. Virtues are noble characteristics that have been skillfully and purposefully enhanced. They all begin as conscious decisions. That means, they all began as a choice. Truthfully, you can't choose how you feel, right now. You can choose what you say from here on out. You would be surprised how much better you'll feel later if you choose what you say about yourself.  You can choose to be anything you would like to be. If you need something to be thankful for something, that is a good place to start. Here is a good place to finish. Have you considered how important you are? You are so important that according to Romans 5:8 that while you were still a sinner Christ died for you. This holiday season, while you are stuck in traffic or check out line, and you are tempted to whine about the economy, job, or whatever, Remember, if you are an American and you have a roof,  any food in the fridge, any change in your pocket, then you are in the top eight percent wealthiest people in the world! If you are a Christian and someone asks, "How you are ? " Force a smile and reply, " I am richly blessed, highly favoured, and deeply loved! Because the creator of the universe left his his throne of glory, honor, strength, and power to come rescue me. He suffered in my place and died saving me. He has returned to his Father and is now speaking to him on my behalf. He has built a mansion for me in his Father's house."  We have so much to be thankful for.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow